Virgin Queens

Virgin Queen Bees
Virgin Queen Bees

Virgin Queen Bees

When a queen bee first emerges, she is known as a virgin queen. Our virgin queen bees are available here in Perth, Western Australian and are daughters that have been grafted from our Rottnest queen mother. There is however a risk associated with a virgin queen and that is getting her mated. Their first mating flight occurs at about seven days where they may take multiple mating flights and mate with an average of 12 drones though this number can be significantly more.

Upon a successful mating, the character of the colony will also be dependent on the character of the local drones that were available to mate with.

Our virgin queen bees are available for $15 each. Please email for further information regarding availability or if you would like to place an order.

For further information regarding our mated queen bees please see mated queens or nucleus colonies